Who Can Join?  

     Children in grades K-5 (or equivalent)

How do you join?

     You may join at anytime by contacting the leadership of the pack (info on the website) or by attending the upcoming Sign Up Night!

How many meetings are there?

     Each Den (each grade has a separate den) meets separately at least twice monthly.  These meetings primarily focus on the individual "Adventures" that are used to earn the different ranks

     The full Pack meets once a month through the school year.  This is an activity with the full group for recognition and awards, skits, song, and other activities.There are also many other activities at both the Pack and otherwise throughout the year  in which the Cubs may participate.

Do parents have to come to the meetings?

     Parent participation is mandatory for the Kindergartners (Lions) and 1st Graders (Tigers).  After that, parent participation is not mandatory, but highly encouraged.  Exception:  parent participation is required at the monthly Pack meetings.

Where do the leaders come from?

     Leaders come from you!  Leadership in the Boy Scouts comes from interested adults, usually parents, to provide a quality program.  There is no cadre of ready adults for this role.  Each parent is solicited to volunteer for a formal role as a Den Leader or assistant, or a Committee Member.  Each parent is expected to participate in at least one activity each year, to help out the formal leaders.  This is not an onerous job;  things like helping out at our yearly banquet, Pinewood Derby, and the like.  The Pack does not go without adult leadership.

How much does it cost?

     Yearly Dues:  Joining dues are $120.  This covers the dues for the rest of this calendar year, and for the full next year.  After that , the dues are $66 per year.  There is a one time joining fee of $25 on top of the dues.

     Boy's Life Magazine:  $16 at joining, for the full period until Jan 2021.  Yearly dues after that are $12.  This in not mandatory, but highly recommended.

     Books:  Each Cub needs a handbook for  his Rank.  Current cost is $18

     Uniform:  Eventually, each boy needs to have a Cub Scout Shirt, neckerchief, slide, and recommend to get a cub scout belt to hold his belt loops of rank.  He is expected to have these items no later than the Blue and Gold Banquet in February

          Shirt:  Starting at $25  Larger Sizes slightly more.

          Neckerchief:  $10

          Slide:  $6

          Belt:  $10

               Total $51.


          In the short term, if the uniform can't be obtained right away, we have available a "Class B" Tshirt for wear in ther interim, and can also be worn at other activities where the formal uniform may be inappropriate.  this is $7.

Where does the money come from?

     The above costs are the responsibility of the Scout/ Parent.  In addition, there are two basic Pack related fundraising opportunities the boys can use to defray costs.  The first is yearly Popcorn Sales, which start at the end of August, and a Pizza and Cookie Dough sale later in the year.


There is much much more to tell and learn about scouting.  Please look at the links below as well.  

Frequently Asked Questions





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TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved