Parent Handbook

Cub Scouts Pack 58 


Hi, and welcome to Cub Scouts Pack 58! Here’s hoping the information and guidelines presented to you in the next few pages will help you get off to a good start for the coming year. Please refer to this handy reference for future information needs regarding Pack policy and uniform information.


To begin with, your child is a member of Pack 58, which is in the North Star District, belonging to the Central Minnesota Council. The Pack is made up of Dens, which is a group of children usually in the same grade level. Each Den has a specific numeral attached to it. Collectively, we are Cub Scouts, and are members of the National organization, Boy Scouts of America, known as the BSA.


All Packs have a Charter Organization which acts as a local ‘sponsor’, and ours is the Rotary Club of Park Rapids.


The Pack is run by registered BSA Adult Leaders whom have all passed an annual background check and are required complete Youth Protection Training every two years.  These leaders make up the Pack Committee, which includes a Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Event coordinators, Awards coordinators, Den leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, and others. All parents of a Cub Scout in Pack 58 are welcomed and encouraged to become a Committee Member. Our committee meetings are scheduled monthly and are open to all parents of Scouts in Pack 58.


Den meeting times and locations are up to the den leader and its members to decide, further information can be obtained from Cubmaster or leaders themselves.

With some exceptions, our Pack meetings are the last Monday of the month 6:00 p.m. at Riverside Church, August through May,

A Brief Summary of Scouting and the Cub Scout Program


Scouting has been around a long time. The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910, and became federally chartered with the United States in 1916. Cub Scouts came into being in 1930 and Park Rapids had its first Pack in 1948.  Millions of boys have worn the uniform, cooked over an open fire at a campsite, earned their Bobcat, raced their Pinewood Derby cars, worked on service projects, and made new friends under the umbrella of Scouting.  Many changes have occurred within the BSA over the years, notably accepting Girls to Join Venturing Scout Posts in 1969 although girls were only allowed to earn Merit Badges and limited advancements. Not without controversy in 2018 the decision was made to include Girls across all of Scouting.  As part of this change, Pack 58's charter organization, Park Rapids Rotary Club was given the opportunity to approve allowing girls membership to Pack 58.  The decision was unanimously approved and it was pointed out Park Rapids Rotary was one of the first Rotary clubs in the nation to sign on female members when Rotary International first allowed them the opportunity to do so in 1987.   In 2019 Boy Scout Troops were re-branded as Scouts BSA Troops and Girls may now earn all advancements including Eagle.

Flowing underneath all this fun and excitement is a character-building program that encourages making good ethical choices, family strengthening, physical fitness, and citizenship skills in the lives of our children.

Cub Scouting utilizes an advancement system that requires children to ‘do their best’ to fulfill and complete the requirements outlined in their handbook so that they may earn their rank badge. After receiving their badge, these Scouts can go on to earn other awards by completing a series of electives. Please keep in mind that although there are lots of awards and recognitions in Scouting, Pack 58 will strive towards the end that these are earned through significant, meaningful methods that your child will remember for a long time.



Den Meetings

     Lots of Cub Scouting happens in the den. Please remember that your child’s Den Leader and all the Packs leaders are volunteers putting forth his or her time and effort to help your child ‘do their best’ to earn their badges, participate in the fun, and gain all the positive values that the Cub Scout program offers. Please assist them in the following ways.

Please have your child to den meetings on time. Your den leaders have lots of activities planned and it is important to have the whole group together to begin the evening’s fun and projects.

Please pick up your child from den meetings on time. Your den leader has places to go and kids that they have to put to bed, too. Better yet, ask your den leader if they could use an extra pair of hands that night and stay. Not only will your help be appreciated, but also you can see what your Scout working on.

Lions and Tiger Cubs must have an Adult Partner with them at all meetings, trips, etc. Enjoy the time together!

Please make sure bring handbook or other requests. Please make sure your child has their handbook, and anything else they needs for the meeting before leaving the house.  Be an active parent.

If your child has a uniform, they should be worn to Den meetings.  Sometimes Den meetings may involve an outdoor activity or messy project that may not be appropriate for the uniform shirt. Your den leader will tell you if a “Class B” or other apparel should be worn.

Everybody has some special abilities and ‘know how’ that can be of great help in matters relating to Cub Scouts. Please make sure you have completed the Parent Talent Survey Sheet and return it to your leader. In addition to the boys learning new skills from you, I promise that you will have a good time helping them.


Currently den dues are not collected at registration but the leaders are budgeted a sum of money from Pack funds.  Sometimes these funds don’t cover all expenses, your leader may ask for a small amount of money to cover supplies, snacks or materials.


Pack Meetings

Whereas at weekly Den meetings the boys might do activities towards earning rank badges and awards, the monthly Pack meeting is where these awards are recognized. It is an important part of the program, as it allows the children to receive their recognition in front of the group as a whole, inspires the younger scouts to strive towards achieving future ranks, and brings everybody together for the big night!

 At Pack meetings, the Cubmaster will ‘do their best’ to make sure that each Den has a chance to display that special craft they made, song they learned, skit they’ve rehearsed, or interesting place they visited. In addition, there might be a drawing, advancement ceremony, or other themed event planned for the evening.




      Please observe the followings guidelines in regards to Pack meetings.


Please accompany your child to their Pack meeting. Pack meetings are a family event - brothers, sisters, grandparents, but most of all, YOU! We require you there not only to help keep order at the meeting (things can get a bit rowdy), but also because in Scouting many awards are presented to the parent who then presents it to the Scout. Cub Scouts is a family program.


Please arrive to Pack meetings on time.  Plan on arriving at least ten minutes early to possibly receive a ticket for a drawing, confer with your child’s Den leader about upcoming things, chat with friends, etc., as the meeting needs to begin on time. If your child is helping out as a member of a flag ceremony, or assisting with other Pack meeting activities, it is imperative to have them there on time. Thank you.


If your child has a uniform, the Pack meeting is definitely the place to wear it.
Class A - Shirts tucked in - looking sharp! No non scout headgear.


Please ask a leader if anything needs putting away or carrying out at the end of the meeting, remember, everyone here is a volunteer and their time is just as important as yours.


Most of all, we hope to make Pack meetings entertaining, enriching, and FUN!!!






Throughout the year there will be various fundraisers. Some of these might go to benefit the Pack for a trip, outing, or needed supplies, and some to benefit the Scout, the Pack, or the Local Council. As Cub Scouts, we will always try and make sure to emphasize the fun in fundraising.


Pack 58 provides enough fundraising opportunities that once Scouts initial dues are paid, handbook and uniform items are purchased, any additional dues, uniform or other needs, and monies required for camps can all be earned through fundraisers.  Without fundraisers, Pack 58 would need to charge annual dues of $250 per Scout in addition the national dues already collected.  

Several years of very successful fundraising, enough money has been raised to facilitate a program without the need to collect additional dues.   Pack 58 may once again need to collect dues if the current levels of fundraising are not maintained.  Please do your part and participate in fundraising and put in the effort required to make every fundraiser a successful one.




$$$$$$$$$$      Pack 58 and Dues    $$$$$$$$$$

     Throughout the Scout year, your Den leader or Pack Treasurer may be collecting money for various Pack functions and activities.  These will be addressed in the monthly Pack Meetings, and also information given to you at Den meetings. The following is a reminder of what two fees are required for your child’s involvement in the Pack.


BSA  National Dues  -  Subject to change.   This annual fee must be submitted by the Pack in January from every registered Scout and Adult leader for the annual rechartering of the Pack. This fee includes yearly membership to the BSA National organization and the insurance issued to cover the boys and Adult Leaders at all Scout functions. The deadline from the this is the November Pack Meeting. This fee after the first initial year of membership will automatically be deducted from the scout accounts on December 1st.


If you just signed up for the first time in September, you’ve most likely already paid these for the following year.


Pack Finances


The Pack maintains its own separate bank account at a local bank with records being kept by a Pack Treasurer.


The Pack Treasurer maintains a Scout account for each registered Scout.  Money can be deposited to this account at any time.  Any transactions including agreed upon fundraising proceeds, dues, camp fees, Scout Shop purchases made through the Pack, or other will pass thru the Scout account as its being dispersed.  Scout accounts are considered property of the Pack and should be thought of as Pack funds the Scouts may use for Scouting purposes.


Any funds the Scout earns through fundraising will go to their scout account.  Scout account funds can be used only for scouting related purchases and cannot be “Cashed Out”.  Reimbursements can be made for Scout Shop purchases paid out of pocket, with a valid sales receipt.  Any funds remaining in a scout account will be forfeited if the Scout chooses to not re-register.  Funds can be transferred to siblings without the need for approval.  If the Scout transfers membership to another Pack or moves on to a Scouts BSA Troop the funds may be moved to that unit.  Proof of membership transfer and a formal request to the Pack Committee is required.




Cub Scouting and You

Throughout the year there are banquets, fund-raisers, Scout shows, parades, derbies, camping trips, and many other activities and functions. Ambitious as they are, a Cub Scout still needs your help in implementing the program.  Remember, the Pack is all of us working together... leaders, parents, and Scouts.


Unlike other programs your child might enroll in, Cub Scouting involves the whole family, no matter what size or parental make-up exists in the home. In Lions and Tigers, you are your child’s Adult Partner. In Wolves and Bears, you are Akela, the wise leader of the tribe of Webelos, and the final judge of your child’s efforts. At the Webelos rank, you are the Activity Badge counselors that could help influence a child’s career direction.




Throughout the year you will be asked to assist on different committees, and at different events. Please volunteer freely, and give of yourself when called upon to help.  You will find it a rewarding experience, and one in which you and your child and other members of the Pack will remember that you did together.


Uniforms, Patches, and Accessories


At no time is the purchase of a uniform required to participate in a Pack 58 activity but…

Scouts in uniform are more conscious of their role in Cub Scouting, and feel a sense of pride and belonging when wearing one. A uniform provides a proper place for the display of badges earned and a way for him/her to ‘show the world’ that he/she has been rewarded for his/her achievements.


In addition, Scouts in uniform create a strong, positive, visible image in the community that helps to strengthen the important ties between the public and the Scouting organization. It is also important for the Scouts to wear their uniforms properly as the neatness of their uniform reflects this image.


Where to Buy 


            Uniforms, patches and accessories are available through the Pack Advancement Chairperson.  Pack 58 provides the patches needed to complete a newly purchased uniform shirt.  Orders usually arrive once a month for no shipping charge.  Rush orders can be made for an additional fee.    

Items can also be purchased on the National Website there is a fairly hefty shipping charge on online orders, but if an item is needed right away it may be the way to go.


For a real treat, take a drive to one of our nearby scout shops, one is located in Sartell, MN and the other is in Fargo ND.  In addition to uniforms, they carry everything you see in the Scout Catalog and then some. Enjoy the time spent there! Your whole family will love it!  Also, the Pack might have some ‘experienced’ uniforms for sale. Please ask around.


Shirts and [Shorts / Pants] Belt

The main article of the uniform is the official uniform shirt also called a ‘Class A’.  It displays the rank of the Scouts, and identifies them as belonging to a certain Den, Pack and Council. When purchasing a new uniform, remember that your child is growing and if, for example, they is now a newly signed up Wolf Cub, get an extra size or two larger, so they can wear it for their Bear year as well.


A ‘Class B’ T-shirt is any Pack 58, Scout Shop or Camp T-shirt.  “Class B” T-shirts are often recommended for many of our outdoor or activities. A “Class B” is an acceptable however less desirable alternative to an official “Class A” uniform shirt.


Although a complete official uniform for your child may be desirable, at the time of this writing the quality of the official blue switchback pants has been found in some opinion to be low quality for the cost.   It is instead recommended that Blue jeans or any dark solid color pants or shorts are worn.  Gym, sweats, brightly/multiple colored pants or shorts should be avoided. 


Official scout shop belts are required to display instant recognition belt loops earned when Tigers, Wolves and Bears complete “Adventures” with their den.  Attention should be paid when purchasing pants as some pants do not have belt loops sized appropriately to accommodate the Cub Scout belt.



The only hat that a Scout may wear while participating in an indoor or fair weather outdoor Pack 58 activity is an official Scout hat. No other hats are allowed. During outdoor winter and extreme weather activity, headgear appropriate for condition should be worn regardless of where the hat came from.  


In addition to the purchasing of a uniform, there will be many patches that need to be sewn on your child’s shirt. Please pay close attention as to where on the uniform these need to be placed. (Please refer to uniform insignia placement found in the scout book, online or from your leader).


It is important that when your scout receives a badge that is to be a part of their uniform, please affix it to their uniform shirt as soon as possible. They earned it, and they deserve to have it displayed.


A scout will earn many “temporary” patches, these will come from fundraisers, summer camps popcorn sales and many other places, only one “temporary” patch may be worn at a time.


The Dens


Lion is a family-oriented program. A youth and his/her parent or caring adult partner join Scouting together. A group of six to eight children and their adult partners meet together in a group called a den. Dens will meet approximately twice per month. The Lion program encourages children to learn and explore through hands-on, high-energy activities. Adult partners take turns leading a den meeting or outing during the year. Most meetings last approximately 45 minutes to an hour; outings are slightly longer. Children are recognized for their accomplishments as they work toward the Lion badge. The Lion badge is earned by completing five adventures. Adventures are completed during the den meetings and outings. Lions need not  attend all Pack meetings but will be invited to several throughout the year to participate in an activity or be recognized for an award.


At the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear ranks, Cub Scouting centers on theme based “Adventures” that have lots of appeal to children at this age. During den meetings, the children will be playing games, building craft projects, learning songs, etc. relating to this theme. In doing so, these children will be improving on different skills as they learn to get along with others, become more resourceful, and participate in new activities and venues. Once they complete and “Adventure” their Den Leader should present them with a belt loop that they may wear proudly and receive recognition for at the next Pack Meeting.  Once they complete all of the required adventures for the rank they are working toward they will earn their rank badge which is worn proudly on their uniform shirt.


At the Webelos level, the children are introduced to more diverse theme based “Adventures” and within the framework of the Webelos den, they work on completing these “Adventures”.


There are Webelos I (4th graders) and Webelos II (5th graders). At the first level, Webelos Scouts will work toward earning their Webelos badge; once they earn their Webelos badge they will begin working toward Arrow of Light.  Upon completion of the 4th grade they will become Webelos II, regardless of earning their Webelos Badge or not and may only work on Arrow of Light requirements.  Some of their activities will be conducted with local Scouts BSA Troops. Upon completion of Arrow light the children are eligible to join a Scouts BSA Troop and are encouraged to do so.  The Arrow of Light rank is the only Cub Scout rank award a Scouts BSA scout may wear on their uniform shirt.


The Scouting year


Pack 58 follows a ‘Scout year’ of September to June and upon nearing the end of the school term, all the Cubs ‘cross over’ into the next rank. During the summer, Den meeting work on achievements may slow down as the Pack will attempt  meet monthly for fun outings such as a model rocket launch, local day camp or family campout that goes toward the Cubs earning their Summertime Pack Award pin.


There are many, many events offered in Scouting. In addition to the events at Den and Pack meetings, Pack 58 will have family camping trips, Pinewood Derby races, summer and winter activities, a Blue and Gold banquet and much more.


In addition, there are District events, including District Pinewood derbys and day camps that will unite us with boys from nearby towns like Nevis, Sebeka and Wadena , and Council events like Summer Camps that draw youth from around the state. Your participation at these functions will definitely add to your Scouting experience.




Most if not all communication from Pack 58 will come as an email from a website called TroopTrack.  Every new member will be sent an email invitation to set a password for the site.  It is the responsibility of the member to follow the instructions in the email as soon as possible.  It has been noted that some members with Hotmail or other Microsoft mail services will unexplainably not receive messages to their inbox, instead the messages will be marked as spam and treated as such, if you are a user of one of these services, please monitor your spam box closely.


The TroopTrack website is where members can change, correct or add contact information to their profile, they may also find contact information of and even send messages to other members, get calendar information, view scout account financial information and follow their Cub's event attendance and advancement progress, (provided their den leader enters progress) members may also view photo albums and are encouraged to upload pictures as well. 


You may also receive communication via text message, Facebook, phone call or even U.S. Mail,  please be sure your profile and contact information in TroopTrack is up to date and notify the key leaders to any change so they may make changes in their personal devices.


Thank you for taking the time to go over this handbook with your new Cub Scout! With your help, this will be an exciting, rewarding experience for you, your son, your family, and your Pack.


We’re glad you’ve joined us! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Yours in Scouting


Dustin Lof


Pack 58


This document is written in part from Pack 58’s bylaws as reference.  The full bylaws can be found in the documents section on Trooptrack


TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved