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Cub Scout Pack 58 

When:  Pack Meetings generally last Monday each month

Where:  St. John's Lutheran Church, 803 W. First St, Park Rapids

Who: any interested child in Kindergarten through 5th grade

Cub Scout Pack 58 is charted by the Rotary of Park Rapids.  It has been in existence for 75 years.

It is available for all children from Kindergarten through the 5th Grade

How do I sign my Child up?


Fill out an application

There are several ways.

  • Fill out and print this completed form to or bring it along to a meeting.
  • Come to a Pack or Den meeting and fill out an application.  
  • Fill it out online;  check with Pack Leadership in advance


Go to a meeting.

What if I signed up online, how will I find out where and when there is a meeting?  Once an application is accepted, each adult family member that wishes will get a username and a welcome email to a website called TroopTrack.  it is where our pack calendar is organized and many of our messages come from.  The pack also has a private Facebook Group That after answering a few verification questions you may join.

What if I have more questions?.  Contact Cubmaster Dustin Lof or Committee Chair Tom Weston for details


As with any youth organization, the Pack won’t run without adult leadership. The Pack has the minimal required leadership, with most filling multiple roles.  We need help from friends and families of the new Cubs to be part of the leadership team.   There is no pre-existing group of leaders!  The Pack really needs adults to volunteer for many of the necessary leadership positions, especially den leader.  Personalized training is available for any new leaders.

Have Fun.

Children join Cub Scouting because they want to have fun. For the kids, however, fun means a lot more than just having a good time. "Fun" is children's  code word for the satisfaction they get from meeting challenges, having friends, feeling good about themselves, and feeling they are important to other people. While the kids are having fun and doing things they like to do, they also learn new things, discover and master new skills, gain self-confidence, and develop strong friendships.

Common Questions:


          Meetings:  most months during the school year there is a monthly Pack meeting and two Den meetings

          Other activities during the year are the PineWood Derby, Blue and Gold Banquet, summer camps, and other activity trips

     Uniforms:  It is desirable that each Cub obtain a uniform.  The Class A uniform includes the blue short sleeve shirt, neckerchief, slide, and belt. Optional items are a hat, Cub scout pants, and other items.  As the Rank patches earned by the scouts can't be worn on other than the Class A uniform, this needs to be eventually obtained.

          However, there is a fair amount of cost involved with the Class A uniform (see below).  New Scouts will receive a  Pack tee shirt (class B uniform) which can be worn until a Class A can be obtained.

     Handbooks:  Each rank has it's own handbook describing the requirements for advancement and activities to accomplish those requirements.  Cost for those are below as well.  

Where to get Scouting Items:

     Handbooks, uniforms, and other Scouting Items can be obtained 2 ways: 

          Scout Shop:

               Items may be purchased from any Scout Shop in the US.  The closest ones are:

                    Central Minnesota Council Scout Shop

                         1191 Scout Drive, Sartell, Mn  56377  phone 320-252-0143   Central Minnesota Council Scout Shop link

                    Northern Lights Council Scout Shop                          

                          4200 19th Ave South, Fargo, ND  58103   phone 701-499-0699  Fargo Scout Shop link


            Scouting items may also be purchased at BSA Online Scout Shop


Please. ask questions, volunteer, get involved.  

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved